
The Mystery of Love

Remember that you don't choose love. Love chooses you. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes into your life. Feel the way it fills you to overflowing, then reach out and give it away. Give it back to the person who brought it alive in you. Give it to others who deem it poor in spirit. Give it to the world around you in any way you can.

There is where many lovers go wrong. Having been so long without love, they understand love only as a need. They see their hearts as empty places that will be filled by love, and they begin to look at love as something that flows to them rather than from them. The first blush of new love is filled to overflowing, but as their love cools, they revert to seeing their love as a need. They cease to be someone who generates love and instead become someone who seeks love. They forget that the secret of love is that it is a gift, and that it can be made to grow only by giving it away. Remember this and keep it to your heart. Love has its time, its own season, its own reason for coming and going. You cannot bribe it or coerce it, or reason it into staying. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you. [...] Love always has been and always will be a mystery. Be glad that it came to live for a moment in your life. --Kent Nerburn

Ok, so every week I get this kind of random beautiful messages at my email that I truly love to read because they are inspirational and full of wisdom, some of them offer challenges and new points of view that to me are always so important and interesting for my personal growth. Today's email really caught my eye, it's so accurate especially since this have been on my mind lately going round and round inside my thoughts... We take so many things for granted and our lives are so full of "things" that we've somehow lost the true meaning & purpose of life it self, it's not how much we can achieve as a popular being at the social media or how much we own, no it's the simply things that actually matter, a true friendship, a real lover, the time to enjoy your self and all around you: people, nature, animals and stuff of course but viewed from another perspective, if you have them it's cool if not you work hard for them but you don't over do or put your life and health at risk for them, they are after all just stuff, they have no life and they will ALWAYS be there because they don't move, they get prettier or smaller but that's about it, on the other hand people, nature and animals need time and caring because they do move, they feel and they can go away for ever even if we don't want to so we should focus on them and our self, we need to become stronger human beings instead of a stronger consumption society that we already are...


My sakura nights

There are nights like tonight when I can't sleep, nights where I find my self wondering in the deep of the night staring at my cherry blossom (sakura) lamp about the existence of love, a true love that's out there wondering the same way I'm wondering about it my self tonight, hoping and wishing for me like I'm waiting and wishing for it as well...

It's amazing how a four letter word can drive someone absolutely insane, and the feeling is nothing compared to the madness of it; words become empty and short meaning while actions seem madly and irrational but when it comes to truthful meaning it's always different and yet in essence it's the same for everyone...

I'm the kind that has never been in love and yet truly believes in love, that one day or night I will too feel the beautiful madness of love as I do in my sweetest dreams...

I believe it just doesn't matter at all sometimes considering that well, things are the way they just are... Sometimes some things have special timings so no matter what you do, things will happen when they are just meant to be, when both persons are ready for eachother when they will recognize themselves in each other...


An Off Day

Has anyone had an off day?!? the kind of day that is just to forced because things just don't flow naturally no matter how much you try TTnTT?!? I mean is not a bad day is just an off day because is not entirely bad nor good, just awkward things happen one after another until it gets to a point that you just want to dig a big hole and hide inside *sighs*, perhaps I'm sounding too dramatic but that's how I felt today... My day started pretty well actually, had a funny/odd dream, something that could make me laugh to tears; a delicious breakfast, an easy going schedule that got entirely complicated and horrified by the arrival of an old -but not missed- "item" *deep sigh*, then everything changed, the pressure was higher/the movements were under microscope and the words became thoughts of guessing kind... Ok keep it cool you say to yourself as you try to do everything according to how you know it should be done but in the mean while things keep popping up so you can't really keep it too cool so you just try to keep up until you can finally have your 15mins lunch break, and things get terribly abusive when some stranger tries to violate your vital space and you find yourself almost in danger, and not just that, it was his fault and still he insults you for not respecting, so you move a long a little and asap you pull over and have a nervous tear breakdown which only make things worst because your nose ands eyes get reddish so your face literally talks for you, so you try not show it but as usual someone always must and things get awkward again... *sighs*



I'm here on a sunday night staring at my window while listening to a soundtrack as i let my fingers type my thoughts, my doubts, the questions I can't seem to answer no matter the restless hours, nights and days I spend trying to figure out all the possible points of views of them, and even when I have so many years doing the same I still believe in an answer sooner or later I don't know but one thing is for sure, that's better than never so I'll keep meditating, searching, looking for it because I've faith and I believe it...


Never regret anything that once made you smile...

It's so funny how many things turn out to be, but at the end if it made you smile or you had a good time why should you regret it or feel sorry for?!? because it's not right?!? or because someone says so?!? no I don't believe those are reasons good enough... I mean yes sure no one wants to hurt anyone but we can not live up to the expectations of everyone but our owns and even like that sometimes we don't even full fill our owns... Life is not about liking or pleasing everyone but about enjoying the ride and among several more things, just definitively not about make life hard and a totally agony.

I believe life is full of surprises and all of them are "good" in some way or another, we are just way to absorbed in this so call society that we forget simple things and the joy of them, we get so tangled in living faster and faster that's just not possible nor worth it, what's the point in speed if you can't enjoy the view on the way?!?.